CIP Code Change Request Guidelines

What is a CIP Code?

CIP codes, or Classification of Instructional Programs codes, allow for the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to track and report fields of study. Every degree program is classified using a six-digit code from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website at the time of approval by the UNC Board of Governors. Within that list, there is a subset that has a STEM designation for various purposes.

Other credentials, such as certificate programs and minors, also have CIP code classifications. Individual courses are assigned CIP codes by the University but do not necessarily need to match the CIP code designation of the degree program.

This set of guidelines will provide direction on one or both changes.

Why would I change a CIP Code?

To request a CIP code change, an academic unit must include a rationale that includes strong academic reasons for both program and course-level changes as well as research outlining peer programs to show national field trends and comparisons for the requested code. There are several potential motives for seeking a change in program and/or course CIP codes:

  • The DHS provides additional Optional Practical Training (OPT) time for international students enrolled in graduate programs with specific CIP codes on the STEM Designated Degree Program list. Note this listing will not align precisely with the UNC System Office STEM CIP code listing below.
  • The University receives larger appropriations for increases in student credit hours from courses with CIP codes in STEM and other higher-cost disciplines as described in the UNC System’s Performance-Weighted Enrollment Change Funding Model User Manual (specifically see Chapter 5: Instructional Areas and Levels). Note this listing will not align precisely with the DHS STEM CIP code listing above.
  • In addition, shifts in program curriculum content in response to changes across the discipline or field, trends in peer program offerings, accreditation requirements, or other external factors might suggest a CIP code realignment.

Neither access to additional OPT time nor the possibility of increasing state funding alone may be a sufficient reason to request a change. Academic rationale and peer comparisons should be the primary drivers.

What implications should I consider?

The process of requesting a CIP code change requires intentionality and critical analysis of need and impact. Changes may have academic and financial implications for an academic unit.

Academic units should consider any disciplinary comparisons and peer groupings/rankings that depend on CIP classifications. Additionally, academic units should connect with the UNC-Chapel Hill Division of Finance and Operations to understand any budgetary impacts for a proposed change. For example, while a change in a CIP code might allow an academic unit to access additional OPT time for international students, it may simultaneously reduce enrollment growth appropriations for

Change Request Process for Existing CIP Codes

Workflow for Requests

Requests are made through the academic unit’s dean’s office. Early and broad consultation is encouraged.

  1. Identify your current and desired CIP Codes, including both program-level codes and course-level codes. Consider the implications as noted above.
  2. Please schedule a discussion with your academic unit’s dean’s office.
  3. Complete the UNC System Office template to the best of your knowledge and pay attention to the Best Practices tips below.
  4. Schedule a consultation with The Graduate School and/or The Office of Undergraduate Curricula.
  5. Schedule a consultation with the Division of Finance and Operations to discuss funding implications, including effective dates for the proposed changes.
  6. The completed template will be routed for campus approvals for submission to the UNC System Office.


Best Practices for filling out System Office Template

  • Although the UNC System Office does not require forms for non-STEM related CIP code changes, UNC-Chapel Hill will use the same template for campus review and approvals
  • Emphasize course level detail; see Question 8 with full table of details requested.
  • Where appropriate, the STEM aspects of the curriculum should be the majority of the curriculum; see Questions 4 and 5.
  • Engage in appropriate research for peer institutions and provide rationale for change based on national trends for your specific program/field; see Question 7.
  • Consider the financial implications of the change and outline the details as noted in the form.
  • Please contact The Graduate School or The Office of Undergraduate Curricula to request sample proposals.

Workflow for Implementation

  1. Campus reviews and approves the request for submission to the UNC System Office.
  2. UNC System Office approves the request.
  3. Registrar’s Office manually enters all the CIP codes revisions, including program and .
  4. Notification of implemented changes will be disseminated.



Sample Timeline for Requesting a CIP code change at UNC Chapel Hill

NotesTaskTimeframe (estimated time from submission to responsible unit)
Requesting Unit: Create Initial Draft of System Office form
Consultation: Unit’s Dean’s Office (academic and financial)
Consultation: Review with Finance and Operations and Vice Provost for Strategy and Resource Management1-2 weeks
Consultation: Work with Office of Undergraduate Curricula’s Curriculum Director and/or The Graduate School’s Director of Academic Affairs to review draft1-2 weeks* if no curriculum change is required; 2-3 months if a curriculum change is also requested
Requesting Unit: Finish Drafting Form
Workflow: Formal Approval from Dean of the academic unit’s school1 week
Workflow: Formal Approval from Office of Undergraduate Curricula and/or The Graduate School1 week
Workflow: Review form with Associate Provost for OIRA andFinance and Operations1-2 weeks
Workflow: Sign off from Vice Provost for Strategy and Resource Management1-2 weeks
Workflow: Sign off from Provost andCFO (by admin support and then submitted to CIM and PREP)2-3 weeks
Provost’s Office: Submit signed proposal to UNC System Office via PREP
Workflow: Registrar Office implementation of the approved changes (including website update with new changes)4-5 weeks