2018 Hettleman Prizes for Scholarly and Artistic Achievement by Young Faculty
These prizes, which include a $5,000 award, recognize scholarly and artistic achievement by junior tenure-track, or recently tenured, members of the faculty.
TO: Members of the UNC-Chapel Hill Faculty
FROM: Chancellor Carol L. Folt
DATE: March 27, 2018
RE: DEADLINE EXTENDED – Nominations for Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty
I invite you to submit nominations for the 2018 Hettleman Prizes for Scholarly and Artistic Achievement by Young Faculty. These prizes, made possible by the generosity of Phillip (UNC Class of 1921) and Ruth Hettleman, recognize scholarly and artistic achievement by junior tenure-track, or recently tenured, members of the faculty. Four recipients will be selected for the awards of $5,000 each.
Those eligible to be nominated are assistant professors in their third or fourth years who have been recommended for reappointment for a second term, any second term assistant professor, and any associate professor who will not have been in rank as an associate professor for longer than three years at the end of this academic year.
Nominations should include electronic submission of the following, unless otherwise noted:
- Nominating Letter
Nominations may be made by appointing units or by members of the University community from within or outside the nominee’s department. The nominating letter should explain why the nominee’s work is “groundbreaking.”
- Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae
- Documentation
Articles that the nominee has written, papers that the nominee has given, and/or photographs of art that the nominee has produced. Electronic and digital submissions are preferred. If hard copy submission is necessary, please submit seven copies.
- Letters of Evaluation
These letters can come from within or outside the nominee’s department, as well as from other institutions. Letters from the outside do not have to be written explicitly for the Hettleman Award; they can be ones collected for tenure and promotion decision, reappointment considerations or letters written for other awards. Letters should emphasize and critically evaluate the distinctive contribution of the nominee’s scholarship to his or her discipline. They must make clear to an audience of intelligent laypersons the scholarly or artistic significance of the nominee’s work. It is hoped that each scholarly project will already be in the public domain, but manuscripts accepted for publication or in galley form will be considered.
The new deadline for submission is Monday, April 16, 2018. Please submit electronic nominations to Hettleman_award@unc.edu and hard copy material to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, 312 South Building.
Vice Chancellor for Research Terry Magnuson and the selection committee, which is comprised of six professors — three from the Division of Academic Affairs and three from the Division of Health Affairs – will forward a list of recommendations to me. The announcements of the prizes will be made at the first Faculty Council meeting of the fall term of 2018.
Thank you for taking the time to help recognize and reward the work of Carolina’s most promising young faculty.