
Carolina Indian Circle Hosted 3rd Annual Cultural Show

On November 29, 2017, the Carolina Union’s auditorium was nearly packed with spectators from all across campus and the surrounding communities to support the Carolina Indian Circle’s 3rd Annual Cultural Showcase.

On November 29, 2017, the Carolina Union’s auditorium was nearly packed with spectators from all across campus and the surrounding communities to support the Carolina Indian Circle’s 3rd Annual Cultural Showcase.

Carolina Indian Circle (CIC) is UNC’s American Indian interest student group. The group’s goal was to offer individuals an opportunity to learn about the different aspects of Native student life at Carolina and across the state.

The showcase featured an array of performances by American Indian students from both here at UNC-Chapel Hill and from NC State University. Ryan Dial-Stanley played a song on his American Indian flute. Alexis Galudin performed the jingle dress dance and Makayla Richardson performed the fancy shawl dance. Several students modeled Native fashion designs created by Creative Natives. UNC’s American Indian interest sorority and fraternity performed unique dances. Phi Sigma Nu performed a modern stroll they created that was infused with the Cherokee language and Alpha Pi Omega performed the traditional Swan Dance of the Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe.  Unheard Voices, UNC’s Native a capella group, sang renditions of traditional songs originally performed by the Ulali Trio. Additionally, the showcase featured a hand drum song from two well-known drummers within North Carolina, Gage McClenny and Cory Brewington.

The night was truly a success! The American Indian Center applauds CIC for hosting a great event! We look forward to witnessing more great programming from them.